Published on October 3, 2003 By solutiondesign In WinCustomize Talk
Hi everyone back online again but with bad news.
My LCARS project went up in smoke last night and none of the backup's now work ether.

My folder c:\programfiles\objectdesktop\desktopx\themes corrupted and i l lost everything inside it. All of the backups have loaded back on to the system including corona and aquamarine, unfortunately the backup of LCARS probably didn't record properly onto the CD for some reason and so the whole theme is lost.

I'm starting to feel that the project is doomed to failure as i have had a constant stream of problems since day one, including multiple cases of upload errors, file corruption's plug-in conflicts and sound problems.

All of that on top of moving house and being offline for three months and the new version of desktop X coming on the scene. I have lost count of how many times i have restarted and now I've just had enough of it.

So now I'm not sure what to do, i can ether start again or just except the fact that it just wasn't meant to be.

Sorry for the depressing thread just thought i would let anyone who's been waiting know.

on Oct 03, 2003
Adam..........Nice to see you back.

Sounds like you have had a nightmare. Don't give up. There are a lot of people here, like me, who appreciate your efforts and admire your work and will be as disappointed as you. You have given thousands of people a great deal of pleasure with your work so don't give it up. Give it a few days and hopefully with more support to follow on this thread you will realise how much your work means to everyone out there.

You are a magnificently talented individual who has just had a major hiccup so don't give in to those them whose the boss...and come out fighting.
on Oct 03, 2003
Adam check out some of these ->

My suggestion, see what all you can bring back with special programs. They have software that can recover corrupted parts of your HDs and even find stuff that was deleted. Try what I gave you. I don't know exactly a good program. But the link will give you several you could try out.

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on Oct 03, 2003
Your welcome

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on Oct 03, 2003
Here's a suggestion, perhap some of the people that have downloaded your themes may be able to upload a copy to you, then you can continue to build from there.
on Oct 05, 2003
That a good idea. It may also be on the WinCustomize site somewhere. Have a look
on Oct 05, 2003
Adam...anything uploaded here 'should' still be accessible even if it's been removed from public access....just let me know if you need my help....
on Oct 05, 2003
Yes, Adam, even if you aren't ready or wanting to do anything with them, might as well take Jafo up on the offer to get copies of your themes, even the ones that aren't on public display. So at least you've got baseline versions to tinker with if you should decide to resume work on them.

Moving etc is enough of a pain and with losing files, it's enough to make one want to drop out for a bit. I can only imagine. But at least take Jafo up on the offer so you can have an archive of your lost work.

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on Oct 06, 2003
Plus you could look at it this way. There is a reason for everything and you will probably make something way better then your original project.
on Oct 08, 2003
Adam, whish I had caught this earlier...

SystemMechanic Pro v4 recovers low level so it actually goes to the hard drive to recover...

It will probably get back everything that did or is not writtin over yet...

recover4all does this also but costs $70.00....

I used this to recover a bunch of evidence from two systems (dsktop and laptop) and a server this last week...