on May 21, 2004
It is a crazy, messed up world - me, I'm still trying to work out how my wife is unable to park outside the house when she does seem to be able to park everywhere else - junctions, roundabouts, almost anywhere else !!
on May 21, 2004
on May 21, 2004
It is interesting how it evolved. Thanks Solution design. I haven't had the opportunity to drive in a country on the "wrong" side, but I imagine it would be difficult at first.

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on May 21, 2004
it's not that dificult adapting to driving on the side of the road you are not accustomed too, apart from when you are tired when roundabouts and complex intersections can occasionally seem confusing
on May 21, 2004
silly french.
on May 21, 2004
When I visited Sweden once I was told that in the 50's or 60's the government decided to change from LHS to RHS - including road signs etc etc. Obviously it had to be done virually 'overnight' (can you imaging a 'gradual changeover'! ).

Even so, I'm let to believe that their road toll has never exceeded that of the weeks following the changeover!

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on May 21, 2004
I always thought it was different 'cause some dummy in the factory put the steering wheel on the wrong side....
on May 22, 2004
It's really not that hard driving on the opposite side of the road, but the tickets are a bitch.

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